Tag Archives: self improvement

The First and Most Important Agreement

I recently posted a photo reminder of The Four Agreements and had quite a few questions about them. So, I thought it would be helpful to write a bit more about each of these agreements. As we explore retirement, we each hope to be more thoughtful, wise, reflective… sometimes we must challenge ourselves to gain these insights and learnings – let’s do it!

Four AgreementsFirst, let me give full credit to where credit is due. Don Miguel Ruiz wrote The Four Agreements, a relatively short book based on ancient teachings of the Toltec’s of Mexico. Irregardless of where they came from originally, they hold great power for each of us today.

These four Agreements are important to consider in order, and the first is clearly the most important. If we can each live by this one Agreement we would eliminate the vast majority of drama, pain, and misunderstanding in our lives and for those around us.

The words of the first Agreement are simple: Be Impeccable with Your Word.

The intent and discipline behind that Agreement, however, are not as simple but very achievable for each of us with practice.

What does Impeccable mean. Certainly, it means be conscious, be choiceful of each word but with what intent? Impeccable comes from the Latin, pecatus, meaning “sin”. Im means “without”. Without Sin in this context doesn’t necessarily refer to religious sin but more broadly moral sin as you may define it. Don’t sin against others or yourself by speaking words of blame, implying guilt, using hurtful words – words that hurt others and ourselves.

So often we use our words to share anger, jealousy, envy, hate, and knowingly or unknowingly create confusion or misdirection in others. How often do our words, and those of others, communicate ‘unsubstantiated truths’ — GOSSIP! And what is the impact of gossip? It is a disturbing and far reaching ripple that can have a significant and long lasting impact on others. When we spend even a moment to reflect on it, it is evident there is no room or reason for gossip in our lives. We should make a commitment now to not speak it, not listen to it, it has no positive purpose for us. Part of Being Impeccable with Our Word, is being conscious about the discipline of eliminating gossip from our mouths and from our interactions every day. I am not saying it is easy, it will take practice, and I will come back to that in a moment.

So, if we seek to eliminate harmful words communicating blame, jealousy, spreading gossip, etc. you may ask, “what is left?!” It is simple and sounds so flowery: Truth and Love.

Speak the truth – share beneficial observations, creativity, curiosity, inquiry to better understand the world and the people around you.

Speak with love – share kindness, service, gratitude, fun and acknowledgement of others around you.
In very short order you will realize the “superpower” in each of us. We have the ability to impact those around us in dramatic and meaningful ways. Positive WordsOur Superpower can be used for good or evil. When we speak words of compassion, we lift people up. We give ourselves and others energy, inspiration, and generate smiles all around us. We do not speak fake positive words or speak with insincerity – simply by removing the negativity and connecting with others in a positive way, we build a better world all around us. We have that Superpower completely within our control.

Lastly, we must “Be Impeccable with Our Word” for OURSELVES. Think carefully about the words we use with ourselves. “Why do bad things always happen to me?” creates a negative energy and a mental focus on bad things — we then reinforce that and see negative things happening to us more often becoming a depressing downward spiral. Or, “I need to lose weight” labels as someone who needs to lose weight – starting tomorrow? or the day after that? but never brings action today! Instead, if focus on the positive and the NOW, if we say to ourselves, “I eat healthy foods” you can feel the impact almost immediately. We feel different, we act different, we eat different. Words are powerful.

Join me in practicing the first of the Four Agreements, and trust me, I am working on it, too! It is first Agreement because it is the most important. It’s daily practice gets us thinking differently and let’s us experience that difference for ourselves and it’s impact on those around us. Be Impeccable with Your Word – Speak only from truth and love. If you fall short one day, notice where and when it happened. Reflect on it at the end of the day and start the next day fresh, again and again. We have built our habits over many days and years, this Agreement will take daily practice and daily discipline but the insights and payoff are immense.

I know you can Be Impeccable with Your Word. It is one of the few things in life which is fully in each of our control. Seize control and let me know what you learn!

…then, we can move on to the Second Agreement! If you enjoyed this post, share with others so we can broaden the impact and learn together.

ceYoGA: Life Balance

As an ex-CEO in early retirement, I am pursuing several paths to strengthen skills that have laid dormant and neglected for the past two decades. One of these new pursuits is a training program to become a certified yoga teacher.

In The Circus of Life, yoga is a great complement to being a CEO. While one requires skills of juggling, multi-tasking, thinking of every impact and consequences; the other requires balance, singular focus, and training oneself to be fully present focused on every breath and movement.

I decided to pursue yoga training/certification as a way to do a deep dive into yoga and get even closer to my wife who has been on a yoga journey for the past 15 years. I also wanted this yoga teacher training as a way to commit to more regular exercise and getting fit – It has given me so much more.

My small weekday class at YogaFox is a wonderful and eclectic cross-section of people, good people. There is a fire/belly dancer juggling multiple priorities as she builds a business of teaching and managing entertainers; a young kick-fighter who is building so much confidence as she gets fit and, literally, kicks ass; a mother who is using yoga training as a way to bring some focus back to herself; a newly pregnant woman who is learning to manage her changing center of gravity every month; and myself, an ex-CEO who is taking the time to reflect, get re-grounded, and take better care of himself. Good people, each on a journey for different reasons and each enjoying each other’s company one week a month for six months.

Our teacher is highly educated in yoga and shares everything from the incredible and cleansing experiences of breathing, to the history and philosophy of yoga, to leading and assisting the asanas (postures), and the management of running a yoga studio. She brings humor into our class as we realize at the same time how beneficial it is to truly bring yoga into our daily life, and how challenging that can be in today’s world.

Yoga PhilosophyYesterday we studied and discussed the Yamas and Niyamas of yoga – the restrains and observations. Each yama and niyama was fascinating as we discussed it in depth. Each spoke to me as exactly what I need to focus on right now. Each had depth and applicability to every individual in every situation. And each was more relevant in today’s hectic, ego-centric, type A world, than ever before. A few examples:

YamasAhimsa (non-violence) – “My thoughts and actions are focused on loving awareness. I nurture and cherish myself and others. I am aware that the mind sometimes entertains thoughts of fear, anger, or selfishness but I do not get caught in these thoughts or act upon them. I accept, without judgement, any uncomfortable mental states. I release them and return to gentle, non-violent expressions of my energy.” – what a wonderful demonstration of how we can take the skills of meditation (quieting the mind and letting thoughts pass without judgement) into our daily lives… and what a challenge!

Asteya (Non-Stealing) – “I live in gratitude for all I have. I take and use only what is rightfully mine. I respect the possessions and talents of others and release my desires to own objects or talents I do not have. I appreciate my life as it is.”

Yoga NiyamaTapas (Austerity) – “I cultivate discipline. I have a realistic, balanced schedule for my seva (service), sadhana (practice), and personal needs. I am disciplined and also relaxed. I do not drain my energy by over effort and over work. My purpose is clear, my mind is decisive.”

Each yama or niyama can be very deep on its own, relating to our bodies, our minds, our actions, our environment, and our relationship with others. Each can be seen in the space of a moment, a day, or a lifetime. At the same time, when you look at the set of 10 yamas and niyamas we also see the balance between them. While Asteya (non-stealing) says we release our desire to own an object or talent we do not have, Tapas (austerity) says we bring daily discipline to work on ourselves. Thus, it is a balance of personal commitment and improvement without an unhealthy desire or focus on the outcome. Simply enjoy each moment, the journey, the practice… and by doing so, we will grow regardless.

Unknowingly, my yoga journey is quite yoga-esque. I did not sign up for yoga training because I have a strong desire to become a yoga instructor. I signed up to create a daily practice, to learn, and to gain something new I can share with my wife. And because of this, I am enjoying my training all the more – not thinking about ‘what will be on the test’ or ‘can I master teaching the class’ – simply appreciating the time together for one week a month with wonderful people, each on their own journey in life. Damn! I am starting to sound like a real yogi!

Each month when my yoga training week comes around I experience some resistance. “Oh no, there goes my whole week.” Then we take a few slow, deep breaths, and the world melts away and I can see it from a more distant perspective. At its best, yoga is calming and energizing; it is self-improving and non-judgemental; it is focused and mind expanding; it is priceless and I am glad to be on my journey with my instructor, my belly dancer, kick-fighter, mother, and mom-to-be.

… I can’t wait until next month!

What are you exploring along your life journey?!