The Ending is the Best Part!

In his book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, Donald Miller said

“Humans are alive for the purpose of a journey, a kind of three-act structure. They are born and spend several years discovering themselves and the world, then plod through a long middle in which they are compelled to search for a mate and reproduce, and also create stability out of natural instability, and they find themselves at an ending that seems designed for reflection.”

Now, I don’t agree with calling the third act in life the  “ending” but I must say I am enjoying this third phase of life filled with re-flection, re-invention, and challenging generally accepted paradigms immensely!

Please have a read through some past posts (on the sidebar to the left) and let us know which ones most inspire you by commenting. We have recently relocated to the Florida Panhandle, have settled in with family, schools, etc., and are now  excited to commit more time to writing, sharing, and exploring via TJoR and CEOhm (note: CEOhm is currently only available on Facebook). We appreciate your feedback as we continue to grow together.

The Blue Angels and Quiet Reflection!

Be Good. Do Good. Have Fun!