Tag Archives: materialism

Making the Shift toward Joy and Thanksgiving!

Shifting from Pursuing Wealth Maximization to Pursuing Daily Joy!

The Dalai Lama says: “Many who are indifferent to any form of spiritual practice are materially well off in some developed countries, but even then they are completely unsatisfied. Although they are affluent they are not content. They suffer the anguish of wanting more, so that although they are materially wealthy, they are mentally poor. It is when they find that they cannot achieve whatever they wish for that the trouble really starts. They become depressed and anxiety creeps in. I have talked with some of my friends who are very wealthy, but because of their material outlook on life, they are absorbed by business and make no room for a practice, which might help them gain some perspective. In the process they actually lose the dream of happiness, which money was to have provided”

The word “practice” can be filled here with “mindfulness, meditation, religion, friends, family, love, reflection, hobbies, passion, simplicity, joy,” etc. The point is, in life and in retirement, we would do well to turn our focus from making money and pursuing material things to pursuing our own development, our joy, our own journey. In my words, a simple and dramatic Shift from Pursuing Wealth Maximization to Pursuing Daily Joy! (see, also, Breaking the Paradox)

Where do you find your Joy?! Is it in:
— reading, meditation, prayer?
— helping, serving others, volunteering?
— learning, pursuing new hobbies, home maintenance?
— exercise, sports, physical fitness, pushing your boundaries?
— socialization, travel, camping, RVing?
— exploring the arts, music, theatre?
— reflecting on the world in macro terms or micro perspective?
— connecting with people, old and new friends?

How can you commit to pursuing more of it, everyday?!

The Joy of Retirement comes from a combination of broad perspective and mindfulness of the moment!
The Joy of Retirement comes from a combination of broad perspective and mindfulness of the moment!

Pursuing Daily Joy trains us to be in the moment even while growing and developing toward long term goals. The path emerges as you focus on each step — and the beauty and surprises of life will be welcomed with joy. Find a near term goal, short term purpose, or simply follow your heart, gut, or intuition.

In today’s day and age, it is more important than ever that we train or re-train ourselves to SHIFT GEARS and focus on the Daily Pursuit of Joy instead of the obsession with material pursuits; being in the moment, and energizing others by sharing our engagement and sincerity in every encounter. EnJoy the experience! Be Good. Do Good. Have Fun!

Start now… reflect and SHARE this and other posts from The Joy of Retirement with others just in time for Thanksgiving! Feel free to go back and read other pages about Ego, Mindfulness, Simplicity, Joy, and more and Share the Joy!

How do you you find daily joy?

If you have begun the Shift, what surprises you about this shift of gears from the pursuit of wealth to the pursuit of joy?!


Resources: The Way to Freedom (by the Dalai Lama), The Shift (by Wayne Dwyer)